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Thursday, November 24, 2011

being thankful and trotting

One of my favorite reasons for coming home to NY from Boston each year for Thanksgiving is to run in my town's 5 mile Turkey Trot. I think it's a great way to run in the brisk air, start my Thanksgiving morning, see people who I haven't seen since last year's run, and most of all celebrate one of the things I am most thankful for - my health. 

At this time last year I was still recovering from having a lymph node removed from my neck. Everything was benign, but it took some time for my neck muscles to regain their strength in order to run long distances again. Running became something I never wanted to take for granted because every time I went running meant that I was healthy enough to do so. 

This time of year is always so special. Similar to most people, it's a time when I always realize how lucky I am for so many reasons - whether it's as small as being thankful that I remembered to run with gloves this morning or something as big as my family and my health. As I trotted along the Port Washington Turkey Trot this morning I made sure to recognize how lucky I was to be out there running alongside the 2500 other trotters. Camaraderie is really not something to be underestimated. It's also nice to run a race without going full force sometimes and taking in everything around you. I decided to take it a bit easy on the legs since training begins next week. Today I appreciated all of the people who were standing outside in the cold cheering us on. I'm convinced that that is a harder job than actually running in a race! It was a bit chilly, and damn, have I forgot about some of the hills in my town, but overall, another great trot! 

I know that this time of year is tough with the holidays approaching, but if giving happens to be in your budget during this wonderful season, please consider donating to the Leukemia and Lymphoma society. As I've mentioned before, now that we have exceeded the $4,000 minimum, every cent of every dollar is going directly to this wonderful cause. 

Now on to bigger and better TURKEYS :) [see below]:

Happy Turkey to All!

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