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Thursday, November 24, 2011

being thankful and trotting

One of my favorite reasons for coming home to NY from Boston each year for Thanksgiving is to run in my town's 5 mile Turkey Trot. I think it's a great way to run in the brisk air, start my Thanksgiving morning, see people who I haven't seen since last year's run, and most of all celebrate one of the things I am most thankful for - my health. 

At this time last year I was still recovering from having a lymph node removed from my neck. Everything was benign, but it took some time for my neck muscles to regain their strength in order to run long distances again. Running became something I never wanted to take for granted because every time I went running meant that I was healthy enough to do so. 

This time of year is always so special. Similar to most people, it's a time when I always realize how lucky I am for so many reasons - whether it's as small as being thankful that I remembered to run with gloves this morning or something as big as my family and my health. As I trotted along the Port Washington Turkey Trot this morning I made sure to recognize how lucky I was to be out there running alongside the 2500 other trotters. Camaraderie is really not something to be underestimated. It's also nice to run a race without going full force sometimes and taking in everything around you. I decided to take it a bit easy on the legs since training begins next week. Today I appreciated all of the people who were standing outside in the cold cheering us on. I'm convinced that that is a harder job than actually running in a race! It was a bit chilly, and damn, have I forgot about some of the hills in my town, but overall, another great trot! 

I know that this time of year is tough with the holidays approaching, but if giving happens to be in your budget during this wonderful season, please consider donating to the Leukemia and Lymphoma society. As I've mentioned before, now that we have exceeded the $4,000 minimum, every cent of every dollar is going directly to this wonderful cause. 

Now on to bigger and better TURKEYS :) [see below]:

Happy Turkey to All!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

New Season, New Team, New Kicks

[[Team in Training Mugshot]]

Yesterday was the Team in Training fundraising and winter apparel clinic and I got to meet many of the team members and one of the coaches for the first time. It feels great to be  a part of a team again. The camaraderie, the joint insanity, and the passion. Everyone has so. much. passion. Passion for life, passion for others, passion of a specific cause, and of course a passion for running. I've already been inspired by the 40-50 members of the team that were there yesterday. Everyone has a story and I think as more stories are revealed, it's going to be an amazingly emotional journey. As we were all sitting around listening to a Marathon Sports representative preaching about how easy it is to run in 20 degree weather with the proper gear (yikes! - hopefully my new wool running socks will keep my feet warms!), I looked around the room and realized the mix of people: survivors; recent patients; family members; friends; and loyal supporters, all brought together for a specific missions - to run to kill cancer. 

While I have somehow (thanks so much to all so far who have donated!) already reached my initial fundraising goal of $5,000.00 I have become inspired to keep going. I'm going to keep going until April 16th when I will keep running through that finish line. This endeavor isn't about stopping, its about persistence. 

As the official training season kick off approaches (December 3rd), please let me know if you would like me to dedicate any of the long runs to a loved one who has suffered from or who is currently suffering from cancer. I've realized that while marathon day is the ultimate, every run building up to the marathon is equally as important. I will put the name of the person I am running for on my shirt for runs that begin to exceed 8 miles.

But on a bit of a lighter note, I'm all suited up. Got me some new kicks (above) -- fitted right to my feet at Marathon Sports. I have sort of moved away from the minimalist shoes for the moment as my feet have been hurting me and I think I need more support on longer runs. We'll give it a shot... This is the greatest store - everyone is so knowledgeable and you are able to run outside on the streets in the shoes before choosing the pair that's best for you. Got some winter gear, like a face mask --- no big deal. I could probably rob a bank on my runs now, I'm so disguised :). But for now, I'm looking forward to starting off this season on the RIGHT FOOT. (ha!)

I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving and if you're running a Turkey Trot in your local community, have fun!

Monday, November 7, 2011

After a glorious weekend of sleeping in, Tex Mex and margaritas, I realized that there is officially less than one month until the official training plan begins....uh ohhhhh....!

I feel like I have been pretty good at keeping up with a good 4-6 day/week workout schedule, but as I was watching recaps of the NYC Marathon this morning, still feeling the sluggishness of an indulgent weekend, I felt the jitters! I'm a creature habit. I thrive on routines and so the fact that I started a new (but wonderful!)  job last week has slightly affected my work out schedule for the time being, leaving me feeling routine-less and completing a random workout here and there.

The funny thing about routines is that they aren't based on anything tangible. Routines are relative and as soon as they change, a new routine emerges. For those who don't know, I started a new job last week and the commute and the gym are both farther away. BUT, I did my first early morning workout at the new gym this morning. Oh how glorious is daylight savings time! 6 am and the sun was peaking through!

New Gym: bigger towels, cups at the water fountains, larger stretching space, less people (it's actually strange, it has been empty every time I have gone), bigger lockers -- all of the important stuff

Old Gym: more people, intense camaraderie, cleaner showers, in my office building

Not too shabby...

My goal for the next 3 weeks is to not get too excited. To not start "training yet". To stay calm and CROSS TRAIN. I'm getting back into spinning classes. I give those up in the summer because the thought of sitting on a bike in a small, sweaty room freaks me out. But I sweat almost equally horrendous proportions in a spin class as I do while running, so I plan on attending a bunch of spin classes between now and 12/3.

So here's to a new routine, a new training plan, and a new found patience. Oh, and what the hell, here's to: .necessary.goodness.