Follow me on my journey to complete the 2012 Boston Marathon!

Monday, February 6, 2012

and I will run 100 miles...

First off, our coach told us today in our weekly team email that this week we will have run over 100 miles this training season so far! I guess that makes sense when you break down the weekly mileage, but, hot damn, that sounds like a lot of miles! 

Secondly, I don't know if it's because of all those miles or perhaps a result of recently increased stress, but last night I had my first marathon nightmare. I hear people at work lamenting over their disruptive work nightmares that they had the previous night, and normally I can't relate. I am not someone who remembers my dreams frequently and so when I do, I feel like they must have meaning. It's as if some extraordinary power is sending me a sign that this dream HAS to be true.  It's disconcerting nonetheless...

I dreamt that I was running the marathon with a couple of running pals, but every time we passed a store or a water station we had to stop and go inside or wait at the water station sipping our drinks, talking to everyone. Running was the last priority. Every time we veered off course, my tension was rising and I started exclaiming, "Guys! The clock isn't stopping for us while we are here!" I kept trying to run on my own, at my own pace, but I had no choice, whenever they stopped, I had to stop also. It was terrible! No one else seemed concerned with the clock. I have no idea if I finished the race, and that's the worst part!

So I guess, not a REAL nightmare, but when I was in it, it sure did feel like one!

As this weekend approaches, the increased mileage is definitely creating more anxiety! This week exceeds the most I have ever run - 15 miles! I'm excited to enter unknown territory, but a bit concerned with how my body might take it! I am going to start taking salt pills during the long runs to try to avoid my 4 pm low blood sugar episodes that I've been getting on Saturdays despite eating/drinking enough. Because I sweat abnormal amounts, I think I am losing too much sodium. So we'll see how this next experiment goes!

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