Follow me on my journey to complete the 2012 Boston Marathon!

Saturday, January 28, 2012


Hello! And I apologize to the many few readers who have been missing my posts :). Last's weeks run was quite the test - both physically and mentally. The snow was a'fallin and the streets were a'icing. It was also a hill day - 12 miles up those darn Newton hills. Mentally, I felt great after, astonished at what the team accomplished and proud that I was able to push through the toughest run I have ever been on. The rest of my Saturday literally consisted of me + food + couch + sedentary stillness.

TODAY, however, was not only the greatest weather for running (sunny, clear sky, 45 degrees), but it was also a major mile-stone (ha, love this horrible pun) in our training. 13.1 miles, yes that is right, a full half marathon! For many people it was their first time ever running this distance and so the coaches and mentors threw an after party and were full of encouragement throughout the entire run. See the picture below for an awesome shot of our homemade medals! While this was not my first time running 13.1 miles, I have definitely not run this distance frequently. I ran my first and only half marathon in May and probably ran about 3-4 runs at that distance while training. I feel the heat coming - the miles getting longer and in just 2 short weeks, I will be entering unknown territory... Duh duh duh.... 15 miles! 

Overall, I'm feeling the strongest I have ever felt (only a few aches and pains that I think are pretty normal) and every week we finish another week of training and I can't believe it. My weeks are measured by how many sprints are accomplished, how many on-the-go snacks can fit in my bag, when to fit that next run in with my new running buddies, and how to transport all of my gear to and from work without looking like that jerk on the T taking up too much space (although I think I've already got that covered). OH yea, and also how the hell am I going to fit in that damn cross training?!? Work + Running are not good companions. 

Each week also marks a new mission moment - a story of inspiration, courage, hope, and also reality - a constant reminder to why we are all out there. But with these stories comes camaraderie, friends, health, and a little bit of craziness. Because one thing I've learned so far is that every runner is just a little insane - but together, there's comfort in numbers, and that my friends, is what makes this training not only manageable, but enjoyable and something that after a long week at work, I look forward to. 

So again, thank you to all who have donated so far to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. I can't even explain all of the stories I have heard so far this season - but I will tell you that the money we are raising together is helping and directly saving people's lives. So if you would like to, please consider donating at:

[[I'm only $435 away from my goal!!]]

and here's some entertainment for all of you: 
Sh*t Runners Say

anddddd on that note....

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